Friday, July 27, 2012

Warp Speed Ahead

Time has just flown by here in the nation's capital.  I can't believe it has been a week since my last post...but it was for good reason.  My parents came to visit me for 5 days while my brothers were either on a mission trip in North Carolina or working.  So I was either working at the USPTO, learning at my LSAT class (4 hr every Tuesday and Thursday night after work), or with my parents working on getting my room in order and settling me in.

Work has gotten though the orientation, getting to know people stage.  Now it is more routine training about the laws, rules, and regulation that govern how patents are examined.  There are about 2-3 hr per day of lectures with every new person (~130) over different parts of the patent office such as statutory law, resources available to use for examining, and the patent classification system.  Then we have about 2-3 hr per day in our lab (~16 chemical and biology people) to do exercises and discussions.  Then we have training on the different software that we will use for examining.  The software is used to find previous patents, non-patent literature, and our docket (where we are able to see what cases have been assigned to us and where they are in work flow).  This is all helping me feel more comfortable as I get closer to examining real patents for real people and real expectations for production.

It was really great having my parent!  It completely changed how my room looks (Please see pictures at the bottom of the post).  There work really made the process go quickly versus the weeks it would have taken me to get my room to where it is.  I enjoyed them being here.  They were able to meet my roommates, Jon and Ryan.  We went to a cookout for Jon's birthday at his Dad's house in Alexandria.  After they were satisfied with how things were at the townhouse, they took off back to corn country to leave the bright lights and their first born in DC.

Here are some pictures to give you a feel of what is going on.

My Room

The Rest of the Room

The Closet in My Room

The Bathroom

Our Lab Room in Patent Training Academy

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