Friday, August 10, 2012

1 Month Down

It may be hard to believe, but I have successfully completed 1 month of work at a real, full time job!  Sometimes it is hard for me to believe too.  I want thank everyone who has been there for me as I go through this life transition.  The Patent Training Academy (PTA) has been a lot learning the statutory laws, case laws, how to use those laws while examining, how to search for prior art (US patents, pre-grant publications, non-patent literature, and patents issued from other countries), and how to write office actions.  There is many things to keep track of and it is all new to me.  So I have to ask my trainer (yes like I am a pokemon) and mentors (primary examiners in my art unit) for help.  My mentors have years of experience to share with me including a thesaurus they have built up for terms in my art for searching.  Knowing how to search well will tremendously help for this job.  It will make writing first office actions on the merits (FOAM) easier and stronger.  A quality first search will also help make second actions final, if not it will hurt my production.  So I hope to pick up that skill quick!  Next week things get serious,  the new examiners start examining patents.

Almost all of time is spent working, studying for the LSAT (Oct 6th), or basic life activities (cleaning, cooking, laundry, finances).  There is time for fun things, but not too much.  It will be more of the same from now until Oct 6th which is ok with me.  It will keep me out of trouble.

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