Friday, August 3, 2012

Air and Space Museum

This morning I went with Jon to the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum.  I have never been to Washington DC before, so I had never gone here before.  We rose early so we could get there when it opened and be in one of the tours given by the volunteer docents.  I was amazed by entire collection they had.  They had many things that had significant relevance.  Some the big things were the plane used at Kitty Hawk by the Wright brothers, the Spirit of St. Louis, WWII planes, V-2 rocket, and ton of space stuff.  The tour was pretty good, but we had to cut it short because we did not budget enough time to see the whole museum and we had tickets for a planetarium movie.  (It was the same one as I saw on a trip to Chicago at the Adler Planetarium a few years with my family, but I didn't realize it until we were in the theater).  I got a discount for the tickets because I am a Smithsonian Member now.  Then we needed to leave because time ran out and other things had to be done.  I need to go back to museum because I did not have enough time to see and read everything I wanted to on this shortened trip.  It will be a day trip next time for sure!  After that we to Barnes and Nobles and had lunch at the Green Turtle.  Then I came home to get some homework and work done around the house.

Since pictures are worth 1000 words, here they are:

Me with the Plane Flown by the Wright Brothers at Kitty Hawk NC

Art Outside Museum

Space Rockets

Rutan Voyager - the 1st plane to fly around the world without stopping or refueling 

Glider Used to Get Aerodynamic Data before 1900s
Lunar Lander

Apollo 11 Command Module Columbia 

Me Touching a Moon Rock

Japanese "Zero" from WWII

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