Saturday, December 8, 2012

Salvation Army Food Truck and Meal of the Week

Salvation Army Food Truck with Caroling
On Saturday, I joined other members of Bethany Lutheran Church to prepare a meal for the Salvation Army Food truck.  We made a hearty meat, vegetable, and noodle soup and packed brown bag sacks with a sandwich, banana, and cookies.  I have never made the previously mentioned type of soup, but I learned and it did not taste bad.  After cooking, we delivered the food to the Salvation Army food truck who dispersed the food to homeless of DC.  The group who made the food would follow the truck as it made its trip around DC stopping to serve the prepared food.  When the truck stopped to serve the food, we would get out of the car and sing Christmas carols.  It was a fun experience!  I am sorry, I forgot to take pictures of the people or the salvation army truck. :-(

Our Soup

Meal of the Week
Back from its 1 week break is the meal of the week!  This week I prepared a supreme lasagna in the crock pot.  It was not the best lasagna, but I did my best and now I have my meals for the next few days.

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