Saturday, March 30, 2013

Cherry Blossoms, Sculpture Garden, and USPTO Registration Exam

Cheery Blossoms
It is the time of year for the cherry blossoms here in DC.  The picture behind this blog is a picture of the US Capitol with a Cherry Tree.  Unfortunately because of the cold weather, the cherry trees have not blossomed.  Below are some pictures of the tidal basin area that would be covered in pink if the weather was warmer.  The Cherry Trees were a gift from Mayor Yukio Ozaki of Tokyo City to the city of Washington.  Mayor Ozaki donated the trees in an effort to enhance the growing friendship between the United States and Japan and also celebrate the continued close relationship between the two nations.

Thomas Jefferson Memorial across Tidal Basin

Cherry Trees

Sculpture Garden
I went to the National Gallery of Art Sculpture Garden.  It was one of the places on my list to see in DC, which I have not.  It is not very large, but has large sculptures.  Some sculpture I thought were interesting and must have taken some skill to create.  Other sculptures, I could not believe people would consider them art.  Below are pictures of some of the sculptures.

Metallic Tree

USPTO Registration Exam
On Friday, 29Mar13, I took the USPTO Registration Exam.  This exam must be passed in order for a person to represent a client for patent prosecution before the USPTO as patent attorney or patent agent.  The exam is 100 questions.  10 of the questions are experimental and do not count towards your overall score.  An applicant must correctly answer 70% (63 questions) of the 90 questions, which actually count towards passing the exam.  Each year about a little over 3,000 people take the exam.  The percent who pass the exam in the last 8 years is usually between 55 and 60 %.  The actual exam results can be seen here.  I am pleased to announce, after about 3 months of studying, I have unofficially passed the exam!

Notarized Paper Stating I Unofficially Passed the Exam

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