Sunday, April 7, 2013

Cherry Blossom Festival, Dad's Trip, and Meal of the Week

Cherry Blossom Festival
This weekend was the big Cherry Blossom Festival.  More people were around the tidal basin than last week when I went.  In one tent they were selling t-shirts for $28.  It was a little rich for my blood.  Also there were so many people everywhere.  It was almost as bad as the Inauguration.  However the Cherry Blossom Festival was more open due to the Cherry Blossoms being spread around the tidal basin and less people were present than the Inauguration.

Even after a week of warm weather, a vast majority of the Cherry Blossoms have not blossomed.  The trees, which had blossomed, looked great even though only a portion of the tree blossomed.  Unfortunately none of those trees were along the brim of the tidal basin.  Evidenced in the below pictures.

Cherry Blossoms and Washington DC

Unblossomed Cherry Tree and Jefferson Memorial

Blossoming Cherry Tree

Unblossomed Cherry Tree

Dad's Trip
My Dad will be visiting me from April 10th through the 14th.  We will be visiting UVA and Duke Law School, going to a Nationals game, and possibly a Capitals game.  While we are in North Carolina, we are going to get some authentic North Carolina BBQ.

Meal of the Week
This week I made a recipe for oven-fried chicken from my Aunt Mary and Gail.  It is made by marinating thawed chicken thighs in milk, white vinegar, and hot sauce for 1 to 12 hours.  Next the chicken is breaded in a mixture of panko bread crumbs, salt, pepper, cayenne, and paprika.  Then the chicken is cooked in the oven until fully cooked.  The chicken was delicious   The hot sauce in the marinade and spices in the breading really gave the chicken a kick.

Raw Chicken Thighs

Marinating the Chicken

Breaded Chicken

Oven-Fried Chicken

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