Sunday, April 28, 2013

Bethany Softball, DuPont Circle, Blood Drive, Potato Truck, and Meal of the Week

Bethany Softball
This week we were able to practice.  I have not played in since last spring during Iowa Intramural.  We did some fielding and batting practice.  I did some of the pitching for batting practice.  It was fun to get out there and play.  After our practice, another team practiced.  They looked much more athletic and focused on winning than our team.  Our team is there to have fun.

DuPont Circle
Jon and I met up with a few of his friends from back home at DuPont Circle Saturday, 20 April 2013, afternoon.  We hung out at a few bars in the area.  One of the bars was called Board Room DC.  It's theme was board games.  They had a cabinet full of board games you could rent board games such as mouse trap, hungry hippos, and Apples to Apples.  We picked Battleship.  In the two games I played, I won using an unconventional placement of my ships and systematic approach to picking bombing locations.

Board Room DC

Blood Drive
I donated blood for the first time on Thursday, 25Apr13.  When I set up my appointment, the lady gave me recommendations on what to do to have a successful donation.  She recommended to be hydrated, not to consume caffeine, and eat 1 hour before giving blood.  I followed the directions and I had a successful donation even though I needed to talk to the Phlebotomist about the Redskins while giving the blood.

Blood Donating Center at USPTO

Potato Truck
The Idaho potato truck came to the USPTO for the Wellness Fair.

Me and the Spud Truck

Meal of the Week
This week I made Tuna Helper.  I made it because I had a coupon for it and I have never eaten it before.  Somebody in my townhouse thought we moved to a trailer park.  Next I made Italian Dressing Marinated Chicken Breast.  Jon and I thought they were delicious.

Tuna Helper

Grilling Chicken

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