Sunday, April 28, 2013

Rebuilding Together and Voters Meeting

Rebuilding Together
On Saturday, April 27th, I participated with Bethany Lutheran church in Rebuilding Together.  Rebuilding Together is a national nonprofit that rehabilitates homes for low-income homeowners, particularly the elderly and those with disabilities free of charge. There were about 20 Bethany members participating. Various jobs included painting a shed, painting windows, fixing a fence, and clear out a tree. During a storm last week, a large tree fell down and landed on a metal chain link fence. The tree's largest diameter was about 2 and 1/2 feet. The tree was enormous. Throughout the entire 8 hour day at least 2 people, usually more, were working on removing the tree. Fortunately for us, both of the neighbors wanted the wood. So we only had to cut it up and transport it a short distance. One of the neighbors started a fire in his fire pit where we burned a large portion of the brush.

The tree landed on a metal chain link fence and mangled it. One fence post was severely bent and a second fence post was driven about 3 and 1/2 feet in the ground because the tree landed squarely on top of the second fence post. The metal chain link part of the fence was mangled by the tree and us when we wheel barrowed wood to one of the neighbors. Some of the top metal bars were bent. After removing the old fence posts, we cemented in new fence posts, inserted new top fence bars, straightened out the metal chain link portion of the fence, and tied the metal chain link to the fence posts and top bar.

Zach cutting wood in Front of the Fallen Tree

People Getting Ready to Work on the Fallen Tree

Digging up the Fence Post Driven Into the Ground

Fence Post Driven Into the Ground

Voters Meeting
Later in the day on 27 April 2013, there was a Voters Meeting to talk about African Immigrant Ministry (AIM) and Bethany Lutheran Church.  The meeting was potluck style and I brought some brownies.  The focus of the meeting was to inform the voters of AIM and what some possible options are for the future.  There was also ample time for people to ask questions and voice there opinions.  I was one of those people. Now the comittee is going to try to answer some of the questions and then the voters will decide what to do.

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