Saturday, May 18, 2013

Bethany Softball and People Visiting

Bethany Softball
On Friday, May 17th we had a double header against Plymouth Haven Baptist.  We lost both games 10-6 and 7-3.  Again in each game we had 1 bad inning where we made some errors and the other team strung some hits together.  Also two older men on our team tweaked a muscle in their leg.  So we were playing with the minimum number of guys on the field and batting.  I do have to say a fair number of girls on our team can play ball.  I think we could have an entire infield (except for the pitcher) of girls and have the same or better defense we have now.

This time I played the outfield.  Another person came this week for the first time and pitched.  He did a good job.  We played a 3-1 outfield configuration, that is 1 short fielder standing in the grass directly behind second base and 3 outfielders playing at a more normal depth behind them.  I helped direct people where to stand in the outfield.  They needed direction because they would play too deep, shade the person to pull to much, or not remember the place the person hit the ball last time.

Also I was finally able to get my bat going.  I was able to hit solid line drives to left center and right center.  I probably went 5 for 6 last night with multiple extra base hits.  I came close to an inside the park home run.  The 3rd base coach sent me home figuring the other team would have a bad throw or the catcher would not be able to catch the ball, which happens often in this league.  However the most important part was everybody on the team having fun, hustling, and playing the best they can play with other members of Bethany Lutheran Church.  I am really happy to see that happening.

People Visiting
Next week my Mom, Grandma, and Grandpa are coming to visit me over Memorial Day weekend.  There are a lot of exciting activities planned!  There will be more information and pictures later.  I have been cleaning my place and preparing for their arrival.

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