Wednesday, May 8, 2013

ISUPK, Bethany Softball, and Andy Stanley's Sermons

Israelite School of Practical Knowledge
One day this week while I was in Washington DC, I found an interesting group.  On the corner of 7th and H Street at the entrance of the Chinatown metro stop stood the group.  It was a group of 15 black men standing together preaching their truth.  They all stood together in a circle with signs showing some of their beliefs.  Here are some sign content and topics I remember:  Jesus is black, abortion, Islam, and a picture of a lighter complexion Jesus had the number "666" and the words "The Beast" written on the picture.  Another sign showed the 12 tribes of Israel and the their truth about the 12 tribes of Israel   For example "Judah = Negroes", "Manashah = Cubans, and "Gad = North American Indians".  There were 3 men speaking into a microphone preaching their truth and using the Bible as partial support for their positions.  The topics ranged from black women, Barack Obama, abortion, and how people have been led astray by other religious organizations.  This particular group is the Israelite School of Universal Practical Knowledge (ISUPK).  Links to information about the group can be found here and here.

Bethany Softball
This week Bethany had a doubleheader against Down Town Baptist.  We won one and lost the other game.  The scores were 8-3 and 10-12.  In the game we lost we had one bad inning where we gave up 8 runs.  In the inning our team had multiple errors and other team had a few hit along with a walk or two.  I pitched the entirety of both games.  It was tiring.  It was not easy to throw strikes.  We did our best and had fun doing it.

Andy Stanley's Sermons
My Dad shared with me two sermon series he listened to on cassette tapes in his car years ago.  One of them deals with handling stress and other deals with God's will for your life.  Both sermon series are good.  They rely on God's word for support.  If you are having any issues with stress or direction in your life or you want to know more about the subjects, I recommend getting the sermons series at the below links.  They are only $1.00 per sermon.

Dealing with Stress:
Discovering God's Will:

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