Sunday, July 21, 2013

Bethany Softball Over and Jon's Birthday Dinner

Bethany Softball Over
Bethany Lutheran Softball 2013 is finally over.  The season started on May 3rd for Bethany and ended on July 19th.  We both games in the double elimination tournament on Friday July 19th.  We lost the first game 7-5 and we lost the second game 7-6.  For the first time this season I wore cleats.  I was wearing tennis shoes the other games.  I did not have my best offensive games of the season.  I am not sure if was the shoes or the month of not playing a game and not swinging a bat.  However I played well defensively.  I caught a sinking line drive while diving and I had an outfield assist when a runner from first tried to go to second base after I caught a fly ball.  The team and season was fun.  I was glad I was able to play.  It was a great source of comradery for the members of Bethany Lutheran Church too.

Jon's Birthday Dinner
I went with Jon to a restaurant in Chinatown to celebrate his birthday with people from his school or work.  Many of the people from his school or work were from foreign countries.  I was able to practice some of my Spanish with guys from Spain.

Ducks Hanging in Chinese Restaurant Window

Hand Made Noodles

Hand Made Noodles

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