Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Brewers vs. Nats x2, Bethany Softball, 4th of July Fireworks, and Sailing

Brewers vs. Nationals x2
A friend and I went to the Brewers vs. Nationals on July 3rd and July 4th.  The game on July 3rd was at 6:05 pm with fireworks after the game.  The Brewers won 4-1.  A recap of the game is here.  Our seats were in the 2nd row in left field.  There was a guy behind us who was constantly heckling all of the Nats players including Bryce Harper in LF.  An example of what he yelled was, "If I was 20 again, I could run and hit and catch ball.  Unlike you."  The "you" he was referring to was Bryce Harper.   The game on July 4th was bright and early at 11:00 AM.  The Brewers lost 8-5.  The game was tied at 5 when the Brewers reliever gave up a 3 run home run.  During the game there were 3 home runs to left field.  One home run each went to section 104, 106, and 107.  Our seats were in section in 105. Our tickets for this game were in the same section as the game on July 3rd in left field, but in about the 10th row.

It was really fun going to those games.  I like baseball.  Nationals Park is beautiful, clean, and close to a metro stop.  The Nats haven't hit there stride yet.  The Brewers on the other hand are done for the season.  They are not going to be close to getting to the playoffs.  Too many injuries (Braun, Hart) and terrible pitching (starters and bullpen, but mostly the starters).  However with Braun and Hart back next year the offense was formidable.  The pitchers can have a bounce back year and/or new people can be brought in to pitch.

Bethany Softball
The season has been extended to the end of July because of the rain outs and churches only able to play on Friday nights.  We forfeited the game because we did not have enough players.

4th of July Fireworks
I went to the fireworks on the 4th of July with a friend from the patent office and her friends.  The fireworks were great!  There was also a concert with Barry Manilow and Neil Diamond.

One of my professors from the University of Iowa in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Department was in DC area on vacation.  His wife has family in the area.  The professor invited me to go sailing with him and his family including his father-in-law.  The boat is located on Solomon's Island.  I have never gone sailing before.  It was exciting!  We sailed in the Chesapeake Bay.  We sailed from port to the oldest lighthouse in the bay and then back to port.  I actually steered the boat for an appreciable amount of time.  It was not easy.  The boat is not as responsive as a car.  Also I had to avoid crab pots in the bay.  Prof. Stanier's father in law is really into sailing.  He sails almost every weekend.  He owns the boat we sailed on.  Also this week he is going down to the Caribbean for 10 days to sail.

Bryce Harper in Left Field

View of the field from our seats




One Minute Video of the Fireworks

The boat with Prof. Stanier's Father-in-law on the boat

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