Friday, July 12, 2013

In Person Interview and Bethany Softball

In Person Interview
I had my first in person interview with an attorney at work this week.  Before this interview, I had only one other interview with an attorney, which was over the phone.  The attorney with whom I had the in person interview has his own law firm based in Israel.  He had 21 interviews in 2 days!  Each interview is about 30 minutes.  That is a lot of interviews.

Bethany Softball
The Bethany Softball game on Friday, July 12th was canceled because of rain.  The coach said he saw a guy with a boat, but no animals on the field.  Hopefully we will be able to play sometime.  The only games left are for the double elimination tournament.

Also it is official, we finished last in the league at 2-8.  I was the manager of one of those wins.  It is all about the playoffs.

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