Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Iowa Trip

Iowa Trip
Recently I got back to Alexandria from my trip to Iowa.  I had a great time!  I did so much with so many people that I do not have the time to share all of my time on this blog.  I will, however, share about some of the time I spent in Iowa.

Two of my brothers were moving in and out of lodgings in Iowa City.  During my time in Iowa, I went to Iowa City 5 times on 5 different days.  During my time in Iowa City, I help put together 2 desks and a TV stand from Target, fixed 2 computers, help clean 2 different apartments and a bedroom, ate the Coral Ridge Mall food court twice, and shopped at Target in the Coral Ridge Mall twice among other activities.

The Mississippi Valley Fair was in town.  So I went to the fair a few night where I met old friends from high school, saw Toby Keith and Josh Turner in concert, and saw a team of wood and brick breakers.

Also, I went mini golfing a few times.  I was able to win one of the rounds of mini golf.

I sincerely enjoyed my time in Iowa!  I will be back in Iowa in late October and December around Christmas time.  The October trip will be a short trip and I will not be as available as my previous trips to Iowa.

P.S.  I probably gained at least 5 pounds because of all the good food I ate at home and Davenport restaurants or eateries.  I have yet to find food that tastes as good in Alexandria.

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