Monday, August 26, 2013

Fantasy Football Draft

Fantasy Football Draft
On Saturday, August 26th our family fantasy football team had its drafts.  Our league is unique.  We play 2 quarterbacks, only 1 running back, 2 flex positions, 1 defensive player, and 1 punter.  The punter is new this year.  The punter will not have much effect on the outcomes of games because punters score the fewest amount of points for a position by a wide margin and the variance of the points between punters is small.

I could have drafted better.  Also I could have drafted worse.  My top pick was Aaron Rodgers who helped me the championship last year.  There were a few picks that were reaches.  The picks that were reaches caused my bench to be thin.  My bench being thin is nothing new to me.  It was the same situation for me last year.  Overall I am satisfied with my selections.  Nobody knows how well they really drafted until the games start.  I am looking forward to finding out!

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