Friday, September 27, 2013

LSAT, USPTO Operating Status, and Patent of the Week

The LSAT is on Saturday, October 5th.  I look forward to doing well on it!

USPTO Operating Status
Earlier this week I received an email from the Acting Director of the USPTO about the operating status of the USPTO in the event of a government shut down.  The USPTO is not an essential government agency like the military, so a government shut will effect the USPTO.  The USPTO has reserve funds for a reason unbeknownst to me.  The USPTO reserve funds will be able to fund the USPTO for a couple of weeks starting October 1st in the event of a government shut down.  If the government is still shut down after the reserve funds run out, I will be put on unpaid administrative leave until the government reopens.

Patent of the Week
U.S. 4,605,000
Abstract:  A greenhouse helmet is provided and consists of a dome containing plants secured within the dome worn completely over the head of a person so that the person can breathe in the oxygen given off by the plants.

It is interesting the plant that was chosen to be the plant inside.  The plant that was chosen was a cactus.  If the plants ever come loose from its base, you will have a lot of spines in your face or head.  OUCH!

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