Friday, September 6, 2013

FSU Game, About a Week to Half Marathon, and Law School Applications

FSU Game
Last weekend, I watched the Florida State (FSU) vs. Pitt football game with a friend from my LSAT class after we did some studying for the LSAT.  We watched the game with about 8 my friend's friends.  Most of the people were from Florida.  The people were interesting and fun to be around.  The food was good as well.

About a Week to Half Marathon
There is about a week until my half marathon.  I have been training.  The training has not been intense as I would like because of work, the LSAT, and preparing for law school.  This weekend I plan running about 10 miles as my last long run before the real thing on September 14th.  It is not as long as I would like.  When I run the race, the energy from being with all of the people will carry me to finish the race strong.  On a side note, the race packet for the race has be picked up before the race at the army base the Naval Laboratory is located.

Law School Applications
I completed my first law school application this week!  I am excited about it!

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