Monday, November 11, 2013

Lay Liturgist and U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum

Lay Liturgist
On Sunday, November 10th, I was the Lay Liturgist for Bethany Lutheran Church in Groveton, VA.  I performed the prayer section of the service including the Kyrie, Collects, Benedicamus, and Benediction.  The Benedicamus and Benediction were chanted.  Many people told me I did well for the first time.  There was a wardrobe malfunction before my part in service where my microphone box on my hip fell off.  I had to put the microphone box in its place before going out in front of the congregation.  I had some nervousness because I was doing something new in front of an audience, but the nervousness was small because of my training and preparation.  I was actually a little more nervous at the second service because I knew more people in the pews because the second service is the service I normally attend.

U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum
On Veteran's Day (Nov 11th), I went to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum right next to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing.  This is one of the places if not the last place on my list of things to see or do in Washington D.C.  When I arrived 15 minutes before the doors opened at 10 AM, there was no line to get into the museum.  Part of the reason is this is now the off season for tourism.  I really enjoyed this museum!  The size of the museum was just right, not too big and not too small.    I also enjoyed the history presented and how it was presented.  There were a few places for video watching.  There was a theater that showed recounts of Holocaust stories by Holocaust survivors.  There were also many artifact or pieces of history throughout the museum from Europe that had significance for the Holocaust such as shoes and clothing from concentration camps, pictures, typewriters, fence posts of concentration camps, Torahs, and the like.  There were also plenty of pictures and words for people to read to get a sense of how the Holocaust came to occur, what happened during the Holocaust, and what are the take aways from it.

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