Sunday, November 24, 2013

Lay Liturgist, Top Golf, Iowa Football Chili Bowl, Bethany Voters Meeting

Lay Liturgist
On Sunday, November 17th, I served as the lay liturgist for the second consecutive Sunday.  On November 17th, I had an expanded role.  I chanted quite a bit, along with reading a lengthy gospel reading.  During communion, I served distributed the wine and gave the dismissal.  I am not sure the next time I will be lay liturgist because I am not currently scheduled on the schedule through December 1st and there currently is no other schedule.

Top Golf
On Thursday, November 21st, a Lutheran Young Adult Group and I played Top Golf in Alexandria. Top Golf is a point scoring golf game where players attempt to hit a golf ball with an embedded microchip as close as possible to a target from a driving range type structure.  The pin has concentric rings   The closer the ball was to pin in the concentric rings, the more points a player received. We could order food and drinks from tee box.

Iowa Football Chili Bowl
On Saturday, November 23rd, I went to the Capital Area Iowa Club to watch the Iowa vs. Michigan game at Crystal City Sports Pub.  There was all you could chili.  The chili tasted great!  It was a lot of fun watching the Hawks win and meeting fellow friends of the University of Iowa in DC!

Iowa Game Watch

Iowa Game Watch 

Bethany Voters Meeting
On Saturday, November 23rd, there was a Voters Meeting at Bethany Lutheran Church.  The Voter Meeting was held to discuss Bethany's mission and ministry for 2014 with respect to the budget.  The Voters Meeting went well and it appears 2014 will have a surplus.  The Voters Meeting was held in conjunction with a Soup and Pie Night.  I brought a chocolate pie.  I made the pie using a family recipe from my Grandma.  People seemed to really enjoy it!  Below are some pictures of the chocolate pie.

Pudding in Crust

Chocolate Shavings

Chocolate Pie

Chocolate Pie

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