Monday, February 17, 2014

Library of Congress Library Card

Library of Congress Library Card
A few days ago, I got myself a Library of Congress Library Card.  The card is good for 2 years.  Usually one get the library card in the Madison Building of the Library of Congress.  On the day I went to get my library card, I was told to go to the main reading room to get my card.  To get to the main reading room, I had to go to another building, down some stairs, walk through a crooked hallway, and up an elevator.  The main reading room is the room you part of National Treasure takes place and is also the room visitors overlook while just visiting the Library of Congress.  The card has a big picture of me on the left hand side.  The picture has shadows due to the poor lighting in the temporary picture location.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Ambulance at Church and Salvation Army Meal

Ambulance at Church
On Sunday February 2nd, I was fulfilling my ushering duties at the 11:00 AM service.  As I was walking out of the sanctuary during the service, a mother and her 12 year old daughter rushed out of the sanctuary.  The mother, daughter, the church secretary, and I stood together in the gathering area right outside the church doors.  The mother was asking the daughter questions such as, "Can you see me?" and "How do you feel?"  The mother told me her daughter stood up and then fell in the church.  After falling the daughter had a skinned knee, feeling light headed, and could not see well.  The mother also said her daughter felt clammy.  The church secretary then immediately called 911.  The girl was then put on a table with her mom continually talking to the daughter to keep her engaged.  The ambulance eventually came.  The paramedics came in and evaluated the situation.  The girl was then transported to the ambulance for further evaluation.  Eventually the girl was released from the ambulance with no issues.  It appears she had low blood sugar.

Salvation Army Meal
On Saturday, February 8th I joined other members of Bethany Lutheran Church to prepare a meal for the Salvation Army Food truck.  We made a hearty meat, vegetable, and noodle soup and packed brown bag sacks with a sandwich, banana, and cookies.  After cooking, we delivered the food to the Salvation Army food truck who dispersed the food to homeless of DC.


Monday, February 3, 2014

Telework, Superbowl, and Meal of the Weak

This week I have finally completed on the requirements for me to telework.  Now I am able to work up to 10 hours per biweek in a remote location.  My remote location is my home in Alexandria.  The requirements included being rated fully successful at work, provide proof of high speed internet, and having a FOB.  The FOB has numbers that change every few minutes that have to be put into my work computer in order for me to log onto the USPTO network.  I do not know how often I will use this option, but now it is available.  I will try it at least once.

First things first, my Superbowl prediction was incorrect.  I should have known better.  Right after my prediction, I read some articles that talked about how the best offense in the NFL falters in the Superbowl including the Patriots who were 18-0.  Next, I made a seven layer taco dip to bring to my co-worker's apartment where I watched the Superbowl.  The taco dip was good.  There was also chili, wings, roast beef samplers, and plenty to drink.  The apartment was walking distance from my house.

Meal of the Week
This week I made Frito Pie.  Ground beef, pork and beans, chopped green chilies, tomato sauce, and hot sauce was added to a slow cooker for 6-8 hours on low heat.  The concoction was served over a wavy bed of Fritos and served with shredded cheddar cheese.


7 Layer Taco Dip

Frito Pie