Saturday, February 8, 2014

Ambulance at Church and Salvation Army Meal

Ambulance at Church
On Sunday February 2nd, I was fulfilling my ushering duties at the 11:00 AM service.  As I was walking out of the sanctuary during the service, a mother and her 12 year old daughter rushed out of the sanctuary.  The mother, daughter, the church secretary, and I stood together in the gathering area right outside the church doors.  The mother was asking the daughter questions such as, "Can you see me?" and "How do you feel?"  The mother told me her daughter stood up and then fell in the church.  After falling the daughter had a skinned knee, feeling light headed, and could not see well.  The mother also said her daughter felt clammy.  The church secretary then immediately called 911.  The girl was then put on a table with her mom continually talking to the daughter to keep her engaged.  The ambulance eventually came.  The paramedics came in and evaluated the situation.  The girl was then transported to the ambulance for further evaluation.  Eventually the girl was released from the ambulance with no issues.  It appears she had low blood sugar.

Salvation Army Meal
On Saturday, February 8th I joined other members of Bethany Lutheran Church to prepare a meal for the Salvation Army Food truck.  We made a hearty meat, vegetable, and noodle soup and packed brown bag sacks with a sandwich, banana, and cookies.  After cooking, we delivered the food to the Salvation Army food truck who dispersed the food to homeless of DC.


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