Monday, May 12, 2014

Pentagon Tour and Embassies of an EU Countries

Pentagon Tour
The headquarters of the US Department of Defense opened its door to me for a tour on May 9th.  I was excited!  This is one of the few things in DC that I want to do that I have not done yet.  The other two I can recall off hand are go up the Washington Monument and go into an embassy.  A friend from church was gracious enough to offer me his time and give me a tour.  I really appreciated it.  Before the tour, I went outside to the 9/11 Memorial for all of those who died in the Pentagon when a terrorist plane struct the Pentagon.  We went through different corridors that each had it own mini museum.  There were corridors for General Douglas MacArthur, the Air Force, the Coast Gaurd, POWs and MIAs, humanitarian efforts, and a timeline of all wars and major conflicts in US Military history.  I was not able to see all of the mini museums.  We spent a fair amount of time in the Air Force corridor because my friend is biased towards the Air Force because of his previous career in the Air Force and his schooling at the Air Force Academy.  I learned a lot about planes and the Air Force.

Embassies of EU Countries
After making 125 boxes of food to ship to northern Virginia at the Christ House Food Pantry, I went to an Open House of many European Union (EU) countries.  Due to arriving late because of volunteering, there were many people and long lines at all of the embassies that were a part of the Open House.  I was able to get into the British embassy to see the Ambassador's residence and cars from Britain.  During my time at the British Embassy, it started to rain.  I was unprepared for the weather without my umbrella, which I left at home.  So rather than wait in line for at least 2 hours in the rain or in wet clothes to see only one more embassy, I decided to head home.  Next time, I plan on being at the event earlier and bring my umbrella.

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