Saturday, June 29, 2013

Bethany Softball and Meal of the Week

Bethany Softball
All games were canceled this weekend.  On Friday, there were thunderstorms.  On Saturday, the field was too wet from the rain on Friday.

Meal of the Week
This week I made Italian Herb Chicken with beets.  I put chicken breast and mushrooms in the crock pot.  Yes, mushrooms.  Then I added a blend of tomato paste, stewed tomatoes, and seasoning to the crock pot. The mixture was cooked for 8 hours on low heat.  The chicken and the sauce was great!  Jon and his friend thought so too.  The beets did not taste good to me.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

National Capital Barbecue Battle 2013

National Capital Barbecue Battle 2013
On Saturday June 22nd, I went to National Capital BBQ Battle on Pennsylvania Ave.  The National Capital Barbecue Battle is an annual competition between top BBQ restaurants from the Washington, DC area and around the country.  I saw the Famous Dave of Famous Dave's restaurant chain.  There were also street performers from NYC.  Below are some pictures and a video.

Famous Dave

BBQ Establishment

Pork in DC


NYC Street Performer Jump

Sporting Events, Softball, Training for Half Marathon, Birthday Party, and Meal of the Week

Sporting Events
This week I bought some tickets to local sporting events.  First, I bought tickets for the July 3rd and July 4th Brewers vs. Nationals games.  The game on July 3rd starts at 6:05 pm with fireworks afterwards.  The game on July 4th is bright and early at 11:05 AM.  The game is probably so early on July 4th because the time allows people to go to other July 4th festivities including fireworks.  For both games I will be wearing my Brewers gear even though the Brewers are the 2nd worst team in the NL right and I would like to see the Nationals win some games.  However, how often am I able to wear my Brewers gear at a regular season MLB game?  Also the Nationals' season will no hinge on these two games.  There 160 other opportunities for them to win games.

Second, I bought 2 tickets for the Bears vs. Redskins game on October 20th at 1:00 ET.  My friend and I will be sitting in the second level bowl.  I am excited!  I have never been to an NFL game.  It appears we will be taking the metro to the stadium.  FedEx Field is about 20 miles away from house by car in Landover, MD.  It is still inside the beltway, but barely.  I picked the Bears because it will give me more incentive to root for the Redskins, the date and time was good (not too late in the year when it can be cold, not too early when it can be hot, not at night when bad things happen), and I thought the tickets would be cheaper than tickets for NFC East opponents or better teams than the Bears.

This was the last night of regular season games for Bethany.  We played a double header against New Hope North.  Again I was the coach this week.  We lost the first game 7-2.  We won the second game 12-11.  We were ahead 11-5 before the last 2 innings, but New Hope North clawed back to tie the game at 11 in the top of the last inning.  I was the first batter in the inning.  I hit a line drive double to the left center field gap.  Then the next batter hit a ground ball to move me over to third base.  Then the next batter hit a single to drive me in.  So we won 12-11!!   I my best by getting out only 1 time in about 7 or 8 at bats.  I had two inside the park home runs.  In the field I had no fielding errors.  After the game we went to our normal place Lucky's.  Below is a picture of our team after the games.

Bethany Softball Team 2013 on 21Jun13

Training for Half Marathon
This is my 3rd week of training for my half marathon.  My long run was 6 miles.  I have never gone that far before.  I also ran in another fun run at the running store near my house.  It is nice because I get to meet people and run with people to help set a pace for me.  Training has not been as easy I thought.  However I am still doing my best and following the plan recommended to me by my running counselors.  I am sure I will be fine by the time the actual race comes around.

Birthday Party
Last week, I went to my softball coach's daughter's 21st birthday party at my softball coach's house.  It was a good time.  I was able to meet people close to my age.  I also made some friends.  I also was able get know people more personally.

Meal of the Week
The meal of the week was pretty simple.  I grilled 3 seasoned chicken legs on the grill.  For a side dish I had brown rice.

Grilling Chicken

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Storm?, Softball, and Meal of the Week

DC was supposed to get hit by a big thunderstorm on Thursday, June 13th.  It was going to big enough that OPM (Office of Personnel Management) sent an operating status update for Thursday.  OPM stated the all federal agencies were open.  I received the OPM statement via email because I requested to have all operating status updates of federal government agencies emailed to me.  I requested the emails because one day the OPM stated all federal agencies would open 2 hours late. I was not aware of this because I woke up, showered, and walked to work like I usually do in the morning.  When I checked my email at work, I found out the USPTO would open 2 hours late because of the weather.  The weather did not effect my travel what so ever.  However the weather did mildly effect people who drive on the roads.  This is why I get the emails.

I digress.  There ended up being no rain my area of DC. Zero, zip, none, nada, goose egg, zilch.

Bethany had a double header this week.  It was fun to get out and play after being rained out last week.  We lost both games.  The score of the first game was 2-3.  We lost in extra innings.  We had opportunities to get the last out of the game while we were ahead in the last non-extra inning inning, but we made some errors.  The score of the second game was 2-7.  Our regular coach was gone due to a prior obligation (golf tournament).  So I was the interim coach.  I made the decisions on the batting order and where people played in the field.

Meal of the Week
This week I made Chicken Meal-In-One.  It came from a cookbook my Great Aunt Rosalie gave to me for my birthday.  It chicken covered with onion soup mix baked in the oven over a bed of rice, cream of chicken, mushroom, and celery soup, and milk.  The chicken I used was thigh and leg. It was really good!

Unbaked Chicken Meal-In-One

Baked Chicken Meal-In-One

Baked Chicken Meal-In-One on a Plate

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Fun Run, Bethany Spring Clean Up, and Meal of the Week

Fun Run
On Tuesday, 04Jun13, I ran in the Pacers (Running Store) Fun Run.  It is an event where people from all paces run 3-6 miles in various route starting and ending at Pacers on King Street.  The route this time was the Russell Road route, which goes right by my house.  I was the first one to get back to the store.  This was mostly because I only ran about 3 miles while many others ran 4 or 5 miles and evidently I had the fastest pace for the people running the 3 miles.  It is good this event is available to me because I get to meet new people and run with people.  There is a Fun Run every Tuesday and Thursday.

Bethany Clean Up
There was a Spring Clean Up at Bethany Church on Sunday.  I help fix a sewer grate, replace burnt out light bulbs, put up a sign, and fix a leak in the roof.  After we worked we had a lunch of pulled pork sandwiches.

Meal of the Week
I make taco meat and ate in tortillas made by the perfect tortilla that I got for my birthday.

Taco with tortilla from perfect tortilla

Devices to make tortilla and one device with tortilla

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Navy Air Force Half Marathon

I recently signed up to run a half marathon (13.1 miles) in the Navy Air Force Half Marathon and 5 Miler on Saturday, September 14th.  It will be interesting because I have never ran further than 3 miles continuously in my life at one time.  Signing up for this gives me a goal to work towards.  The route can be seen here.  It starts in front of the Washington Monument on the National Mall, goes down to and around Hains Point, up to a park by the US Naval Observatory, and back to the starting line in front of the Washington Monument.

On advice from counsel, I went to Pacers in Old Town Alexandria to get quality running shoes and racing socks.  I was recommended by counsel to Asics brand running shoes.  When I walked into Pacers only salespeople where present talking to one another.  I found the best salesperson to be my salesperson.  Then we went to work.  First we had to determine what type of supportive shoe I would need.  So I put on a pair of no supportive shoes and went to the treadmill.  I ran on  the treadmill in the store for about 30 seconds while the salesperson videotaped my ankles.  After looking at the tape, we saw my ankles did move in a little bit on impact with the treadmill.  So I would need the medium supportive shoe.  I ended up getting the Asics GT-2000 in size 9 in lime, white, and red.  This way people will be drawn to how fly my shoes look and not how slow I am running.  Additionally I got a pair of racing socks that wick away moisture from my feet and provide more arch support.  The socks are anatomically designed for the left and right foot respectively.  They are tight on your foot.  I will only be wearing those on race day.  Below are pictures of one of my shoes, racing socks, and future I sticker I will buy.

Asics GT-2000 Lime, White, and Red Running Shoes

Left Footed Racing Sock from above

Left Footed Racing Sock from below showing the arch support

13.1 Half Marathon Running - Black Oval Sticker
Sticker I am going to buy when I complete the half marathon (13.1 miles)

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Trip of a Lifetime Part 3

Trip of a Lifetime
Monday, May 27

On our last day together we went to Mount Vernon including the Gristmill and Distillery.  In the first building we saw a 18 minute video about Mount Vernon and George Washington.  The theater was in good repair and movie looked as if it had been made by the big boy professional studios.  The introduction to Mount Vernon was presented by Pat Sajak.  After the movie we bustled pasted the upper garden and bowling green to George Washington's House to get a tour of the inside of the house.  George Washington married one of the wealthiest women in Virginia and the size of house and estate (8,000 acres) showed the money.  After the tour of the house we took pictures of the picturesque view of the Potomac River from the house and the house with us in the pictures.  My Mom and Grandma were wearing matching outfits that can be seen in a below picture.

Next we walked past support buildings for the house such as the carriage house, compost building, and animal barn.  At the end of the building was the burial place of Martha and George Washington.  There was a short event commemorating Memorial Day at the burial place of George and Martha Washington.  There was a reading, wreath laying, and recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.  Then we were able to right up to the sarcophagus (10 feet away with the gate open) and take pictures.  Afterwards we went to the Pioneer Farm.  We did not need to spend too much time there because my grandparents are farmers and my Mom grew up on a farm.  They know all about farming.  There was a 16 sided barn and slave quarters near or on the Pioneer Farm.  Luckily for our travelers, the entire walk from the theater to the Pioneer Farm was downhill and there was bus that took us uphill from the Pioneer Farm to the Educational Center.

At the education center we were able to see and learn about George Washington.  We saw a sculpture of George Washington by Houdon.  We also saw other items from or would have been in George Washington's house or possessions.  We also learned when he was at Mount Vernon he would have hoecakes made from corn meal with honey everyday for breakfast.  There was also another section which goes through his entire life from birth to death to legacy.  In that section we went into a 4-D theater where are seats shook and when the movie had snow, foam came down from the ceiling that looked like snow.  We also saw George Washington's fake teeth.  The teeth were not made of wood and his teeth were never made of wood.  These fake teeth were made with ivory and hippopotamus bone along with possibly other material.  It sounded like he, George Washington, had to deal with large amounts of pain.  He had to have teeth pulled multiple times and he had infections in his mouth.  The mouth is a sensitive area.

After seeing George Washington's Mount Vernon House we drove about 5 minutes to the Gristmill and Distillery.  There is a reconstructed Gristmill that actual runs by a water wheel and produces flour.  The flour is bagged up and sold in the gift shop.  My Mom and Grandma bought a bag and received a piece of paper with recipes for the contents of the bag.  When I am home in July my Mom will make one of the recipes, maybe it will the hoecakes George Washington ate.  Next we went to entirely reconstructed Distillery were we given the history about the actual distillery in George Washington's time.  At certain time throughout the year, a person can buy a bottle of George Washington Whiskey made in the Distillery.  It will only be $95 per bottle.  Then we we left to get dinner at a Boston Market before going to my row house and parting ways.

My Grandma and Mom