Saturday, June 8, 2013

Fun Run, Bethany Spring Clean Up, and Meal of the Week

Fun Run
On Tuesday, 04Jun13, I ran in the Pacers (Running Store) Fun Run.  It is an event where people from all paces run 3-6 miles in various route starting and ending at Pacers on King Street.  The route this time was the Russell Road route, which goes right by my house.  I was the first one to get back to the store.  This was mostly because I only ran about 3 miles while many others ran 4 or 5 miles and evidently I had the fastest pace for the people running the 3 miles.  It is good this event is available to me because I get to meet new people and run with people.  There is a Fun Run every Tuesday and Thursday.

Bethany Clean Up
There was a Spring Clean Up at Bethany Church on Sunday.  I help fix a sewer grate, replace burnt out light bulbs, put up a sign, and fix a leak in the roof.  After we worked we had a lunch of pulled pork sandwiches.

Meal of the Week
I make taco meat and ate in tortillas made by the perfect tortilla that I got for my birthday.

Taco with tortilla from perfect tortilla

Devices to make tortilla and one device with tortilla

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