Saturday, June 15, 2013

Storm?, Softball, and Meal of the Week

DC was supposed to get hit by a big thunderstorm on Thursday, June 13th.  It was going to big enough that OPM (Office of Personnel Management) sent an operating status update for Thursday.  OPM stated the all federal agencies were open.  I received the OPM statement via email because I requested to have all operating status updates of federal government agencies emailed to me.  I requested the emails because one day the OPM stated all federal agencies would open 2 hours late. I was not aware of this because I woke up, showered, and walked to work like I usually do in the morning.  When I checked my email at work, I found out the USPTO would open 2 hours late because of the weather.  The weather did not effect my travel what so ever.  However the weather did mildly effect people who drive on the roads.  This is why I get the emails.

I digress.  There ended up being no rain my area of DC. Zero, zip, none, nada, goose egg, zilch.

Bethany had a double header this week.  It was fun to get out and play after being rained out last week.  We lost both games.  The score of the first game was 2-3.  We lost in extra innings.  We had opportunities to get the last out of the game while we were ahead in the last non-extra inning inning, but we made some errors.  The score of the second game was 2-7.  Our regular coach was gone due to a prior obligation (golf tournament).  So I was the interim coach.  I made the decisions on the batting order and where people played in the field.

Meal of the Week
This week I made Chicken Meal-In-One.  It came from a cookbook my Great Aunt Rosalie gave to me for my birthday.  It chicken covered with onion soup mix baked in the oven over a bed of rice, cream of chicken, mushroom, and celery soup, and milk.  The chicken I used was thigh and leg. It was really good!

Unbaked Chicken Meal-In-One

Baked Chicken Meal-In-One

Baked Chicken Meal-In-One on a Plate

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