Sunday, December 1, 2013

Thanksgiving, Iowa vs. Nebraska Game Watch, and Meals of the Week

I spent Thanksgiving with a family from Bethany Lutheran Church.  In order for me to not come empty handed, I brought a few bottles Sauvignon Blanc wine and chocolate pudding.  The food was delicious!  There was turkey stuffing, corn casserole, kale, butter beans, green beans, homemade cranberries, and garlic mashed potatoes.  This is the first time I can remember having turkey on Thanksgiving.  Growing up I would go with my family to Bishops where I would not get the turkey for some reason.  Then for dinner we would have ham.  When the turkey was covered in gravy it tasted pretty good to me!  The butter beans were good too!  I think it helped that the butter bean were cooked in bacon grease and covered with big pieces of bacon.  While the group was not eating we were working getting the food ready, cleaning up, talking with one another, and watching football.

Iowa vs. Nebraska Game Watch
On Friday, November 29th, I went to the Capital Area Iowa Club to watch the Iowa vs. Nebraska game at Crystal City Sports Pub.  It was a lot of fun watching the Hawks win and meeting fellow friends of the University of Iowa in DC!  Chances are good for Iowa to be the 4th best team in the Big Ten and go to the Outback Bowl against an SEC school.  It will be sweet to put the people in the SEC down a peg or two.

Meals of the Week (Chicken Cordon Blue, Chocolate Fudge, and Rocky Mountain Fondue)
With the extra time I have available, I was able to make a few dishes.  First I made Chicken Cordon Blue.  I flattened chicken breast with a soup ladle.  We do not have a meat mallet.  The chicken was probably not as flat as it should be for cooking.  The flattened chicken breast was folded with ham and mozzarella cheese inside.  The folded flattened chicken breast was held together with tooth picks.  The folded flattened chicken breast was covered in a cream of chicken soup and milk mixture in a crock pot.  Finally bread crumbs covered everything in the crock pot.  It was delicious!

Chicken Cordon Blue

Cooked Chicken Cordon Blue

Next I mad chocolate fudge with sugar, cocoa, corn syrup, butter, and evaporated milk.  My only concern was that I did not cook the mixture long enough.  A cooking direction telling when the fudge mixture was completely was new to me.  The cooking direction said something along the line of the fudge mixture forming a small ball in cold water.  Either way there is enough sweetness that is doesn't matter.  The fudge was under cooked.  When a piece of fudge was cut from the glassware, the fudge would flow into the hole like a liquid.  It still tasted very sweet!

Fudge Before Cooking

Completed Fudge

Finally I made Rocky Road Fondue.  Marshmellows, chocolate with almonds, butter, and heavy whipping cream were mixed together and cooked in a crock pot.  It was delicious and was great over ice cream!  Unfortunately my picture of the Rocky Road Fondue did not take.

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