Saturday, June 21, 2014

University of Virginia School of Law!

This fall I am going to take my talents to Charlottesville, VA and study law at the University of Virginia (UVa) School of Law!

My last day of work at the USPTO will be Friday, July 18th.  I will move to Charlottesville on Monday, July 21st.  On Tuesday, July 22nd, I will fly home to Iowa.  Orientation for 1Ls and transfers students begin on Monday, August 18th.  The UVa Law Academic Calendar can be found here.

I wanted to make this announcement after I had made my intentions known to the USPTO, which I did this past week.

As I will not be in Washington DC and my life will become less exciting because I will be studying hard and working on lining up full time employment after graduation and during the summer, I do not forsee myself continuing to write this blog or starting another blog at this point in time.  I thank you for your continued interest in the blog.  I really appreciate the love and support from everyone.  I will continue to blog until my time in DC for this part of my life is completed.

UVa Law Building

UVa Logo

UVa Logo

UVa Rotunda

Softball, Blood Donation, and Future Visit by My Brother

This week the Iowa softball team played the University of Virginia.  We played next to the Washington Monument.  Iowa lost the game 22-20.  It was closer than I thought it would be.  The tying run was at the plate in the bottom of the 7th (last inning), but the hitter flied out to end the game.  The Bethany softball team lost both games.  I pitched in one of the games.  Afterwards we went to Lucky's.  It was fun playing for both teams.

Blood Donation
On Thursday, June 19th, I gave blood for the 4th time in a one year period.  So that means, I have given half a gallon of blood.  I almost was almost not able to donate.  The blood donation center the past three time have been in the same location the last three times I donated in the Jefferson Building Conference Center on the USPTO campus.  I had printed out a reservation that said my donation would take place at the same location.  When I arrived at the location to donate at my appointment time, nobody from the blood donation people were present.  Then I searched 3 other buildings on the USPTO campus.  The blood donation people weren't there.  Then I called the blood donation people who told me they had moved to a location that I had not looked for them.  I went there and found them.  The blood came out of me no problem.  Since this was my 4th time in a one year period and having a certain characteristic in my blood, the blood donation people said they would send me a $25 Visa gift card.  It is inconsequential to me, since I would have donated anyways.

Future Visit by My Brother
One of my brothers is going to come visit me for about a week in DC.  I am excited he is coming!  I already have a smartrip card ready for him.  We are planning on going to a Nats game and tour the Capitol through his senator's office.  Of course we are going to hit up many of the free attractions on and around the National Mall.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Patents in the News, Bethany Softball and Meal of the Week

Patents in the News
As you may have heard by now, there has been a patent granted to Amazon titled, "Studio Arrangement."  The patent can be found here.  The patent relates to taking a studio for taking pictures with an arrangement of lights, platform, background, and camera.  The patent has been panned by many including Stephen Colbert as being a completely ridiculous invention to be come a patent.  A few days ago, a friend at work forwarded me a link to an article that sheds a different light on the situation.  I would like to bring your attention to the article.  The article can be found here.

Bethany Softball
After being canceled for 3 weeks in a row, Bethany Lutheran Church finally had its first softball game.  Our team had 3 new players present.  It is good more and new people are involved.  We played a double header against New Hope #2.  I played Left Center.  We lost both games.  There were definitely some positives to build upon.  Afterward we went to Lucky's.  Which is a highlight for everyone on the team.

Meal of the Week
This week I made Lemon Chicken Stir Fry.  My Aunt Mary gave me the seasoning packet.  Bite sized pieces of chicken was stir fried in a pan on the stove.  Next carrots, celery, green pepper, and green onion were added to the pan to soften.  Then mushrooms were added to be cooked.  Next a mixture of water, sugar, and the seasoning packet were added to the pan.  It tasted better than I thought it would taste.  I don't think I added enough chicken.

Lemon Chicken Stir Fry

Lemon Chicken Stir Fry with Rice

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Toastmasters Speech #3 and Meal of the Week

Toastmasters Speech #3
On Thursday, June 5th, I gave my 3rd speech as a member of Toastmasters at the USPTO.  I gave a 5-7 minute speech.  The focus of the speech was, "Get to the Point."  The goal of the speech was to deliver speech with a general purpose, specific purpose, and make sure the whole speech is focused on the purposes.  My speech was the US Income Tax System that included 3 concerns currently motivating major federal tax reform and Two Alternatives (Flat Tax and Fair Tax).  During my speech, I added another alternative, no tax.  The audience enjoyed that section.  Actually there was no income tax on American by the federal government until the 16th amendment was passed in 1913.  Before 1913, federal revenue was created by tariffs and excise taxes.  Overall the speech went well!  The evaluator and a few other members told me the speech was good.  There is still room for improvement.

Meal of the Week
The meal of the week this week was Machaca Beef Dip Sandwich.  This recipe came from a magazine article with crock pot recipes sent from my Grandma.  Boneless beef chuck roast was cooked in a sauce made with chopped onion, beef broth, beef gravy, chili peppers in adobo sauce, cumin, paprika, chili powder, and salt.  After the meat was tender, the meat was shredded and added back to the crock pot for the sauce to be incorporated fully and evenly in all of the beef.  It was a little spicy because I have to improvise on the seasoning, but overall it was a quality, filling meal.