Sunday, June 15, 2014

Patents in the News, Bethany Softball and Meal of the Week

Patents in the News
As you may have heard by now, there has been a patent granted to Amazon titled, "Studio Arrangement."  The patent can be found here.  The patent relates to taking a studio for taking pictures with an arrangement of lights, platform, background, and camera.  The patent has been panned by many including Stephen Colbert as being a completely ridiculous invention to be come a patent.  A few days ago, a friend at work forwarded me a link to an article that sheds a different light on the situation.  I would like to bring your attention to the article.  The article can be found here.

Bethany Softball
After being canceled for 3 weeks in a row, Bethany Lutheran Church finally had its first softball game.  Our team had 3 new players present.  It is good more and new people are involved.  We played a double header against New Hope #2.  I played Left Center.  We lost both games.  There were definitely some positives to build upon.  Afterward we went to Lucky's.  Which is a highlight for everyone on the team.

Meal of the Week
This week I made Lemon Chicken Stir Fry.  My Aunt Mary gave me the seasoning packet.  Bite sized pieces of chicken was stir fried in a pan on the stove.  Next carrots, celery, green pepper, and green onion were added to the pan to soften.  Then mushrooms were added to be cooked.  Next a mixture of water, sugar, and the seasoning packet were added to the pan.  It tasted better than I thought it would taste.  I don't think I added enough chicken.

Lemon Chicken Stir Fry

Lemon Chicken Stir Fry with Rice

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