Saturday, June 21, 2014

University of Virginia School of Law!

This fall I am going to take my talents to Charlottesville, VA and study law at the University of Virginia (UVa) School of Law!

My last day of work at the USPTO will be Friday, July 18th.  I will move to Charlottesville on Monday, July 21st.  On Tuesday, July 22nd, I will fly home to Iowa.  Orientation for 1Ls and transfers students begin on Monday, August 18th.  The UVa Law Academic Calendar can be found here.

I wanted to make this announcement after I had made my intentions known to the USPTO, which I did this past week.

As I will not be in Washington DC and my life will become less exciting because I will be studying hard and working on lining up full time employment after graduation and during the summer, I do not forsee myself continuing to write this blog or starting another blog at this point in time.  I thank you for your continued interest in the blog.  I really appreciate the love and support from everyone.  I will continue to blog until my time in DC for this part of my life is completed.

UVa Law Building

UVa Logo

UVa Logo

UVa Rotunda

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