Sunday, September 2, 2012

Almost Completed

Sorry for the delay in this week's blog posting.  I have a day weekend this week and I have been trying to catch up on my LSAT homework.  I am almost there!  Only 160 pages between now and Thursday at 6 PM.  I have also been biking to and from the grocery store with my backpack full of food.

Last time I talked about my 1st FOAM.  Well it is almost completed.  I submitted it to an examiner in my art unit (AU) twice.  I had to completely re-write it each time.  This is ok because this is the first one and I am learning what to do in my position.  I did make the mistake of action of each, which I think was good practice for me in the future.  The time I sent with my AU examiner helped me see common things in our type of applications and how things are different in my AU than in the Training Academy.  The 1st thing I used the wrong prior art statute to reject my application.  The 2nd time I mixed up the primary and secondary references for a different prior statute rejection.  Hopefully after I re-wrote it that time I got it right!  On Monday I should see my trainer SPE's comments about it.  Hopefully it will be able to be sent off right away or after a few tweaks.  It is important this is right because it becomes part of the record and our public information.  Actually if patent is issued for any of my cases, my name will be on the patent.  Then you will be able to search for patents I have worked on in a Google Patent Search.

I have also started working on the next few cases while waiting for the reviews to come back.  I may have to make a restriction on a application because of two distinct inventions are present due to the claim language.  We will see.  During that time I have been doing searching, a lot of searching.  I am learning many things about this technology that I would have never dreamt I would know.  It can tough sometimes because you have be so mentally focused on one thing for so long and this has to be done in front of a computer sitting down with little human interaction.

Tomorrow I will get more LSAT homework done and go on a bike ride with Jon on the bike trail.

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