Saturday, September 15, 2012

Keep Plugging Away

This week was part lecture and part examining patent applications.  It was good to get a break from examining full time.  For each of my cases, I would follow the checklist to complete the office action to the best of my ability.  If I was not sure what I should do in a situation, I would do my best to try and figure it out.  If that didn't work I would ask my SPE trainer or more experienced examiners in my art unit.  Every time I talked to them I learned something new and how to approach this situation, which will most likely come up again.

I have submitted some FOAMs, but they have not been sent out because the SPE trainer who will sign off on my actions has not had a chance to review them because the end of the fiscal year is near (October) and he has to do administrative duties for his examiners, which are time sensitive.  Next week we will go over them and see what I did correctly and what I can do to improve.  Also I have the searching, which is probably the most laborious and tedious task of the job, complete for another case and almost complete for another.

As for the LSAT I took my 3rd diagnostic (practice test) today.  The score I received today is not reflective of my true ability.  On 3 of the 4 section I am scoring where I believe my best is, but there is one section is bringing the whole score down.  It is reading comprehension, which I am surprised because that was my best section on the ACT.  I will keep working and focus more on that section up to the test, which is on Saturday Oct 6th.

Finally, I would like to announce that I have completed reading the ENTIRE Bible using my YouVersion Bible App on my phone.  I started this January 2012 and completed this week (September 2012).  It was only supposed to take 90 days, but the readings were lengthy and other activities got in the way.  I am just glad that I was able to complete it within a year (9 months)!

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