Saturday, September 8, 2012

New Lab and Almost There

This week we had to move to a temporarily lab for work for a day because our lab received new carpet and paint.  When we came back it looked pretty much the same except for new boring looking carpet and new carpet fumes that smack you in the face every time you walk into the room.  The new carpet was put in because of the contract of the lease the USPTO has with landlord.

My first FOAM is not quite complete.  It has be approved by my SPE (Supervisory Patent Examiner) Trainer, which he has not been able to take a look at it.  He has a lot of duties on his plate including reviewing all of the TC 1700 examiner cases in our lab and the examiner that are in his regular art unit.  Plus he is also helping all the examiners in our lab with questions they have about their specific cases.  So it is not always the fastest.  However in the mean time I was able to finish another FOAM, but I have to make changes after a primary examiner in my art unit took a look at it.  I also have most of the searching done for a different case.  There are just a few claims that I need to find prior art to apply.  So I need some help from a more experienced examiner in my art unit, which is Liquid  Purification/Separation.  As I get more experience I will be able find the art more quickly because of improved searching methodology, knowledge of the art (prior patents), and improved claim interpretation.

This weekend I will do my homework for my LSAT class, go to church, and hopefully watch the Packers.  I am not sure if I get them here.

Now I am listening to the Hawkeyes on the radio through the internet.  Hopefully they will play better than last week.

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