Saturday, September 22, 2012

First FOAM Completed!

It has happened.  My first first office action on the merits (FOAM) has been approved and sent out to the applicant and his/her attorney for a response!  It took 3 revisions and doing many things (searching, reasoning, writing, formatting) in not the most efficient manner to get it completed.  I felt good sending it off because I set that as my goal and I accomplished it.

Since then I have completed 2 or 3 more FOAMs.  They are currently waiting to be reviewed by my SPE Trainer.  He is pretty busing now because of his training and SPE responsibilities around the end of the fiscal year.  For the government, the fiscal year starts in October.

Also my docket has been completely changed to what I will be working on a regular basis.  I had the other cases because a patent examiner retired and his cases had to go to someone.  Now my docket is full of membrane cases.  It has been a year or two since I have worked with membranes, but it is just another challenge.  Once the LSAT is over, I can read my mass transfer book and read the Journal of Membrane Science to try to get caught up to speed as to the state of the art.

Now is the stretch run to the LSAT.  It is on Saturday, October 6th (2 weeks!!).  I have almost completed all of the homework.  Then all I have to do is take practice tests until the actual test.  I am getting comfortable after looking at old LSAT questions in the homework and taking practice test in a test day environment.  My teacher has been a benefit to me because of insight of the test, material in the test, and how to think and prepare for the test.

There is a small amount of time for other things right now too.  This Friday was a picnic for people in the training academy.  There was BBQ, music, beverages, games, and a raffle drawing at a nearby park.  The weather couldn't have been any better (high 70s and sunny).  This weekend while taking a break, I went with Jon to shoot pool at a local bar with karaoke.  I am not that good at pool, but it was a little roommate bonding.  Today Jon and I cleaned the backyard of all the leaves, branches, and grass clippings.

Finally, I want to thank my Mom.  She got my mind in the right place after talking to her last week.  It was exactly what I needed and now I am in the mindset I need to be in at all times.

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." (1 Cor. 10:31)

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