Monday, October 29, 2012

Hurricane Sandy

As you probably know Hurricane Sandy and other unusual weather events are occurring on the east coast right now.  For everyone's peace of mind, I am safe and I have all of the provisions I need in case of an emergency. Since about 8 PM last night, there has been steady rain with the wind constantly blowing, but at a wide range of speeds.  The power has stayed on the whole time. Due to the weather and its projected effects the federal government offices have been shut down.  So I am off from work today.

The View from my Room During Hurricane Sandy

Saturday, October 27, 2012

GW Law School, National Mall (Art Museum and Tidal Basin), Ribs, and Bike Ride

GW Law School
This Friday (26Oct12) I went on a tour and meeting with admissions of GW Law School in DC.  Before the tour, I walked around the campus.  The campus is in a very urban environment with little open space, which stands in stark contrast from the University of Iowa.

The tour started at 11 AM by second year law student.  We went throughout the whole building including the law library, moot court room, and classrooms.  Throughout the tour the tour guide talked about her experience at GW law school, what makes GW such a great school, and what opportunities are available all law schools (journals, clinics, moot court, mock trial).  After the tour, we were able to sit in on a first law school contracts class.  It was fun and interesting.  The professor talked about the fact pattern and result of 2 cases the class was supposed to read before class while asking questions to the students.  One of them was from MN involving Jesse Ventura.  Everyone had a laptop.  The room was filled with the clickly-clack of people typing in order to take notes.  To end my visit, I went to the admissions office to talk about questions I had regarding the admissions process.

GW Law School

National Mall (Art Museum and Tidal Basin)
Since I was so close to the National Mall, I decided to go after my visit.  I went to 2 art museum (Hirshhorn and Freer Art Gallery).  The Hirshhorn was primarily filled with art from Ai Weiwei who is the Chinese artist who designed the bird's nest stadium at the 2008 Olympics in Beijing.  The Freer Gallery was filled with art from Asia.

To finish the day, I walked around the Tidal Basin and saw the MLK, FDR, George Mason, and Thomas Jefferson Memorials.

Washington Monument from Across the Tidal Basin

George  Mason Statue

Jefferson Memorial from Across the Tidal Basin

Thomas Jefferson Memorial

Thomas Jefferson Statue

MLK Memorial

Meal of the Week
Pork Ribs in Sweet Sauce (BBQ Sauce, strawberry preserves, Dijon mustard, salt, and pepper)

Pork Ribs

Bike Ride on the Mt. Vernon Trail
On Saturday, I took a small bike ride south bound on the Mt. Vernon Bike Trail south of Alexandria.

Potomac River from Mt. Vernon Bike Trail

Mt. Vernon Bike Trail South of Alexandria

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Work Day, 5k, and Cooking

Work Day
Saturday was the Fall Work Day at Bethany Lutheran Church in Alexandria.  There were about 30 people to do tasks including mulching, weed pulling, glass cleaning, and tree trimming.  To start, I was assigned to mulching specifically spreading mulch in the Memorial Garden.  The pre-schoolers at Bethany left me presents, about 50 pumpkins in the garden right where I needed to be to spread the mulch.  I did a good job due to all of my experience spreading mulch.  After I spread the mulch, I helped finish the mulching of the rest of grounds.  Finally me and another guy changed 4 ft fluorescent bulbs throughout the building.

Mulching the Playground

Mulching the Front of the Sanctuary and Mortaring Bricks

Three of my classmates and I ran in USPTO 5k on Sunday morning (21Oct12).  The course started and ended at the main building at the USPTO campus.  We were able to finish the 5k (3.1 miles) in about 27 minutes.  I would say finishing in 27 minutes, about 9 minutes per mile, was respectable.  This was the furthest I had ever run continuously.  So I was proud of myself for my 5k performance.

My 3 classmates and I at the USPTO 5k

Sprinting at the End of the Race

My grandma gave me a slow cooker cookbook when I was home in Iowa.  She gave it to me so I can do more cooking and get a variety in my diet.  Cooking with a slow cooker is a big step up for me from my usual cooking style.  So today I made Italian Meatball Subs for me and one of my roommates.  It was delicious!  Now I have lunch for the rest of the week.

Italian Meatball Sub Sandwich

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Wear Pink Day at the PTO for Breast Cancer Awareness

Today at the USPTO was Wear Pink Day for Breast Cancer Awareness.  Everyone at the office was encouraged to wear pink.  Also there was a contest for the best pink photo from today.  So our lab agreed last week to all wear pink today and be in a picture holding pink cupcakes in the middle of the PTO campus.  After some photoshop, one member of our lab will submit it.  Below is the picture.

Also by the way I have been miss spelling an acronym for awhile that I think needs to be corrected.  I have been calling the first detailed examination of a patent application as a first office action on the merits (FOAM).  Last week a colleague informed me it is actually a first action on the merits (FAOM) even though the acronym FAOM is pronounced as "foam".  I later verified the validity of her statement

Trip Home to Iowa

This weekend I went home to Iowa, it was wonderful with so many activities.  I was able to see and spend time with my family even those who don't live in Davenport.  Davenport Central HS defeated Davenport West HS in football and I was able to see my brother play.  My brothers, Dad, and I went over to a friend's house to play some Call of Duty one afternoon.  While I was home, I didn't forget my roommates in DC.  Each one received something from the great state of Iowa: Ryan-Corn Nuts and Jon-Map of Iowa (he enjoys mapping and GIS).  The food was great in Iowa.  Happy Joe's, Whitey's, and  Riefe's were at the top of my list.  I don't know of any places like that around here in DC, but I am sure there are some decent places to eat here.  I just haven't found them yet, but there is at least one possibility I know.  I was able to get some amazing homemade food from my Mom and Grandma including jambalaya, pulled pork, and pie.  However the best of all was spending time with those I care about.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Now is the Time

Tomorrow is the LSAT.  I have put in a fair share of time, effort, and money into this.  I am prepared to do my best with God's help that is all anyone can ask of anyone else, I digress.  This past week, except for today, I have taken a practice test every night and 2 on Thursday.  My score has risen slightly every practice test.  I am at my peak LSAT skills.  I am am feeling relaxed and loose for the test.  Whatever happens will happen and it will be a direction from God.

Today, I took off from work and cleared my brain from absolutely everything.  So I went in to DC to see some of the sights.  I went to many places, but I didn't stay at any of them for any appreciable amount of time.  I want to give the proper amount to each place.  Also I will see them again when people come to visit me.  This way I walked around a lot and got an idea of where things are at and what is there to see at each place.  Now I will be a little better tour guide.  I went to the WWII, Korean War, and Vietnam War memorials, Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, White House, National Museum of American History, and the National Archives.  There will be some pictures eventually.  Yes the National Archives in National Treasure.  By the way the set-up now isn't like what looks like it was in the movies.  Also you can't even read a vast majority of the words of the Declaration of Independence  but you can still find John Hancock's signature. haha  I got to use my Smithsonian membership card to get 10% off my lunch.  I am slowly, but surely getting money back on that card.  Today I wanted to see the Dark Knight Rises on the IMAX at the Air and Space Museum, but there was no showings today.  I was really looking forward to that.

This week my Dad will be coming to town for some training with ASME in Bethesda.  So I will spend sometime with him next week.

Also as a reminder I will be coming back to Davenport, IA on Thursday evening, October 11th, and departing on Monday morning, October 15th.  I will be going to the Central HS football game on Friday evening and going to church at Trinity Lutheran Sunday morning.  Other than those things I am not sure what I will be up to (probably some XBox though, Mr. Nathan)

Final note, my roommate Ryan said that he saw Stephen Strasburg (star pitcher for the Washington Nationals) at a Whole Foods (closest grocery store to my townhouse) this week.  We were thinking he may live around here, but we are not sure.