Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Wear Pink Day at the PTO for Breast Cancer Awareness

Today at the USPTO was Wear Pink Day for Breast Cancer Awareness.  Everyone at the office was encouraged to wear pink.  Also there was a contest for the best pink photo from today.  So our lab agreed last week to all wear pink today and be in a picture holding pink cupcakes in the middle of the PTO campus.  After some photoshop, one member of our lab will submit it.  Below is the picture.

Also by the way I have been miss spelling an acronym for awhile that I think needs to be corrected.  I have been calling the first detailed examination of a patent application as a first office action on the merits (FOAM).  Last week a colleague informed me it is actually a first action on the merits (FAOM) even though the acronym FAOM is pronounced as "foam".  I later verified the validity of her statement


  1. I enjoyed watching Gabe play Tuesday at NS. He was hard to miss with his pink socks.

  2. The game HS I watched while I was home Jake wore pink socks. It was easy to identify him on the field too.
