Friday, October 5, 2012

Now is the Time

Tomorrow is the LSAT.  I have put in a fair share of time, effort, and money into this.  I am prepared to do my best with God's help that is all anyone can ask of anyone else, I digress.  This past week, except for today, I have taken a practice test every night and 2 on Thursday.  My score has risen slightly every practice test.  I am at my peak LSAT skills.  I am am feeling relaxed and loose for the test.  Whatever happens will happen and it will be a direction from God.

Today, I took off from work and cleared my brain from absolutely everything.  So I went in to DC to see some of the sights.  I went to many places, but I didn't stay at any of them for any appreciable amount of time.  I want to give the proper amount to each place.  Also I will see them again when people come to visit me.  This way I walked around a lot and got an idea of where things are at and what is there to see at each place.  Now I will be a little better tour guide.  I went to the WWII, Korean War, and Vietnam War memorials, Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, White House, National Museum of American History, and the National Archives.  There will be some pictures eventually.  Yes the National Archives in National Treasure.  By the way the set-up now isn't like what looks like it was in the movies.  Also you can't even read a vast majority of the words of the Declaration of Independence  but you can still find John Hancock's signature. haha  I got to use my Smithsonian membership card to get 10% off my lunch.  I am slowly, but surely getting money back on that card.  Today I wanted to see the Dark Knight Rises on the IMAX at the Air and Space Museum, but there was no showings today.  I was really looking forward to that.

This week my Dad will be coming to town for some training with ASME in Bethesda.  So I will spend sometime with him next week.

Also as a reminder I will be coming back to Davenport, IA on Thursday evening, October 11th, and departing on Monday morning, October 15th.  I will be going to the Central HS football game on Friday evening and going to church at Trinity Lutheran Sunday morning.  Other than those things I am not sure what I will be up to (probably some XBox though, Mr. Nathan)

Final note, my roommate Ryan said that he saw Stephen Strasburg (star pitcher for the Washington Nationals) at a Whole Foods (closest grocery store to my townhouse) this week.  We were thinking he may live around here, but we are not sure.

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