Saturday, October 27, 2012

GW Law School, National Mall (Art Museum and Tidal Basin), Ribs, and Bike Ride

GW Law School
This Friday (26Oct12) I went on a tour and meeting with admissions of GW Law School in DC.  Before the tour, I walked around the campus.  The campus is in a very urban environment with little open space, which stands in stark contrast from the University of Iowa.

The tour started at 11 AM by second year law student.  We went throughout the whole building including the law library, moot court room, and classrooms.  Throughout the tour the tour guide talked about her experience at GW law school, what makes GW such a great school, and what opportunities are available all law schools (journals, clinics, moot court, mock trial).  After the tour, we were able to sit in on a first law school contracts class.  It was fun and interesting.  The professor talked about the fact pattern and result of 2 cases the class was supposed to read before class while asking questions to the students.  One of them was from MN involving Jesse Ventura.  Everyone had a laptop.  The room was filled with the clickly-clack of people typing in order to take notes.  To end my visit, I went to the admissions office to talk about questions I had regarding the admissions process.

GW Law School

National Mall (Art Museum and Tidal Basin)
Since I was so close to the National Mall, I decided to go after my visit.  I went to 2 art museum (Hirshhorn and Freer Art Gallery).  The Hirshhorn was primarily filled with art from Ai Weiwei who is the Chinese artist who designed the bird's nest stadium at the 2008 Olympics in Beijing.  The Freer Gallery was filled with art from Asia.

To finish the day, I walked around the Tidal Basin and saw the MLK, FDR, George Mason, and Thomas Jefferson Memorials.

Washington Monument from Across the Tidal Basin

George  Mason Statue

Jefferson Memorial from Across the Tidal Basin

Thomas Jefferson Memorial

Thomas Jefferson Statue

MLK Memorial

Meal of the Week
Pork Ribs in Sweet Sauce (BBQ Sauce, strawberry preserves, Dijon mustard, salt, and pepper)

Pork Ribs

Bike Ride on the Mt. Vernon Trail
On Saturday, I took a small bike ride south bound on the Mt. Vernon Bike Trail south of Alexandria.

Potomac River from Mt. Vernon Bike Trail

Mt. Vernon Bike Trail South of Alexandria

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