Sunday, October 21, 2012

Work Day, 5k, and Cooking

Work Day
Saturday was the Fall Work Day at Bethany Lutheran Church in Alexandria.  There were about 30 people to do tasks including mulching, weed pulling, glass cleaning, and tree trimming.  To start, I was assigned to mulching specifically spreading mulch in the Memorial Garden.  The pre-schoolers at Bethany left me presents, about 50 pumpkins in the garden right where I needed to be to spread the mulch.  I did a good job due to all of my experience spreading mulch.  After I spread the mulch, I helped finish the mulching of the rest of grounds.  Finally me and another guy changed 4 ft fluorescent bulbs throughout the building.

Mulching the Playground

Mulching the Front of the Sanctuary and Mortaring Bricks

Three of my classmates and I ran in USPTO 5k on Sunday morning (21Oct12).  The course started and ended at the main building at the USPTO campus.  We were able to finish the 5k (3.1 miles) in about 27 minutes.  I would say finishing in 27 minutes, about 9 minutes per mile, was respectable.  This was the furthest I had ever run continuously.  So I was proud of myself for my 5k performance.

My 3 classmates and I at the USPTO 5k

Sprinting at the End of the Race

My grandma gave me a slow cooker cookbook when I was home in Iowa.  She gave it to me so I can do more cooking and get a variety in my diet.  Cooking with a slow cooker is a big step up for me from my usual cooking style.  So today I made Italian Meatball Subs for me and one of my roommates.  It was delicious!  Now I have lunch for the rest of the week.

Italian Meatball Sub Sandwich

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