Saturday, November 24, 2012

Volunteering, Thanksgiving, Computer Problems

Volunteer at Christ's House Alexandria
This week I signed up to volunteer at Christ's House.  It is a combination soup kitchen, food pantry, thrift shop, and lodging for homeless in Alexandria run by the Arlington Diocese.  The food pantry is where I will be volunteering every other Saturday from 9 AM to 12 PM starting next Saturday.

This is the first major holiday I have not been with my family, making it a little emotional for me.  However I took steps to mitigate my feelings.  At 10 AM, I went to the Bethany Thanksgiving Day service.  Afterwards about 12 adults and 7 children gathered at the house of one of the members of the Bethany congregation.  The meal was a potluck with people bringing a different part of the meal.  Since I was a late addition to the group, all of the traditional food was taken.  So I improvised by bring chips and salsa, brownies, and a gallon of milk.  Each one was well received   The chips were completely eaten!  Then after the food everyone relaxed watching football and talking.  Also, I participated in a two hand touch football game.  Additionally, I talked to my Mom and Grandma in the morning.  It was great to hear their voices.

Today, I am going to another Thanksgiving get together in the afternoon.

Computer Problems
On Wednesday, my 4.5 year old laptop computer finally decided to kick the can.  I tried to turn my computer on, but it would not be able to get past the boot screen.  So that evening, I went to Geek Squad at Best Buy to see what they thought.  After being there for about an hour, I realized I would need a new computer because of the time, money, and effort to fix my old one would more then buying a new laptop.  However there were files on the old laptop that needed to be recovered.  Those files were not properly backed up by me.  Fortunately, the files were able to be recovered.  My new laptop is a Samsung with Windows 8.  Overall I had to make 4 trips to Best Buy over 2 day with 3 of the trips being by bike.  The store is not close to my townhouse either.  Round trip the bike ride was a little over 4 miles.

Meal of the Week
This the meal was homemade meat loaf with instant potatoes and baked beans.  All three of us, Jon, Ryan, and myself, helped prepare this meal from buying the ingredients, cooking, and clean up.  It was delicious!

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