Thursday, January 31, 2013

Kappos Farewell Ceremony

Kappos Farewell Ceremony
At 1:00 PM on Thursday, 31Jan13, there was a farewell ceremony for the Director of the USPTO, David Kappos.  He served the Office for about 3.5 years.  Overall everyone from the unions to attorneys on the outside think Kappos did a wonderful job.  He guided the USPTO out the "ditch" from other administrations and through the implementation of the American Invests Act, which has sweeping changes to the patent law including the oath or declaration.  The USPTO went from being a "No Patent for You Office!" to "Patents are possible Office".  There is still large backlog of patent applications, but it is predicted to decrease in the next few years because of the foundation laid by Kappos.  You can read about Kappos and his work at the USPTO more in depth here.

After the remarks by the union leaders and Kappos himself, I waited in line to shake the man's hand, which was used to make all of the positive changes at the USPTO.  I was fortunate to get a picture with him.  It was really exciting!  He will be missed.  I wish him nothing, but the best.  While I was waiting in line, I met Teresea Rea who will be the acting Director of the USPTO until a new director is confirmed by the Senate.  She is the mother of two my friends at the USTPO.  I did not realize that until today even though they all have the same last name.

The Director of the USPTO, David Kappos and myself

Me talking to the Director

The Awards given to Kappos at the ceremony

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