Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Years (2013), Back in the Swing of Things, and Meal of the Week

New Years
My roommates and I had a gathering at our townhouse for New Year's Eve.  Ryan's girlfriend and Jon's friend came over to celebrate the coming new year.  After spending some quality time together, we went down to the waterfront on the Potomac River in Alexandria to watch fireworks.  They were pretty good for not being 4th of July fireworks.  While we were walking up King Street our group sang songs including the Redskin's Fight Song: "Hail to the Redskins" and "Don't Stop Believing" by Journey.

Fireworks on the Potomac River in Alexandria

Fireworks on the Potomac River in Alexandria

Back Into the Swing of Things
Now that the holidays are over, some of my event will be back to there regular schedules.  My Living Water at Bethany on Sunday evenings and my volunteering at Christ's House food pantry will resume.

This week I started studying for the USPTO Registration Exam (aka Patent Bar).  This is the exam one has to take and pass to prosecute a patent before the USPTO.  It is a lifelong credential that does not need further education, training, or fees.  If I ever prosecute patents, I will have completed a necessary step that most people in the field would not complete until their first summer of law school.  Additionally, this will show law schools I committed to going and have the legal aptitude for law.  Hopefully this will help me with law school admittance and financial aid.  Finally, passing this test will allow me to opt out of taking a exam needed for a promotion as a Patent Examiner at the USPTO (my current position) in the future.  I plan on taking the test on 29 March 2012 at the Prometric Testing Center in Washington DC.  This is not official.  I still need to turn in the paperwork, wait for the paperwork to be verified, and register for the exam at the time and location I desire.
On the bus to church, the bus driver kicked a guy off the bus for drinking a beer on the bus.  The situation was not as tense as it could have been because the person drinking the beer was very out of it.

People Visiting Me
Listed below are the tentative dates for people who are coming to visit me in DC:

Mom: February
Aunt Mary and Gail: March
Grandma and Grandpa: After planting is completed

Meal of the Week
Chicken Tortilla Soup

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