Saturday, January 26, 2013

Snow, Cleaning, and Meal of the Week

It finally snowed this week on Wednesday and Thursday.  The light dusting of snow was only 3/4".  The grass was still visible.  However the people here are not used to snow and it shows.  People worked from home because they did not want to drive on the roads and there were announcements that government offices were open for service as if there was doubt they would be open.

Jon and I cleaned the townhouse for the guest that will be coming to visit me and to keep the townhouse looking clean.  We primarily worked in the kitchen and living area.  In the kitchen we reorganized all of the cupboards and cleaned all surfaces including the floor.  In the living area we dusted, vacuumed the couch, swept the floor, and reorganized everything.  There was a large amount of trash in both areas.  It felt good to be done to see the place looking good for my people.

Then I went upstairs to clean my room, which included dusting, vacuuming, reorganizing, and throwing things away.  I could not believe the amount of dust in my room.

Meal of the Week
This weekend I did not make a meal, but Jon did.  He made chicken and wild rice in the crock pot with steam vegetables on the side.  He used one of my crock pot recipes for the chicken and wild rice.  It was really good!  Sorry for the pictures not being too good.  At night, there is not enough light for a good picture and the camera on my phone uses the flash.  The flash is usually too bright and results in pictures seen below.  Take my word for it.  It look and tasted great!

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