Saturday, January 12, 2013

VA Driver's License and Meal of the Week

VA Driver's License
On Friday, I went to the DMV in Alexandria to get a VA driver's license and voter's registration card for VA.  In order to get to the DMV, I had to take the metro and walk a far distance.  I arrived at 7:40 am, which was 20 minutes before the doors opened.  After I started waiting at the door, people got out of their cars parked in the parking lot to join me waiting at the door.

Due to arriving first, I was the first customer to be served.  The process was quick because I brought all of the proper documents and filled out the form properly.  I did not get a chance to look at my picture, but I am sure I would not like it because I was not able to show my teeth while smiling. When I do not show my teeth while smiling, I do not look good.  If I do not look good, I do not like the picture.  I am really glad I was the first customer because when I left the seats were 40% full, a long line of people to check in, and people were not being processed quickly.  I will not get my new VA license for another 7-10 business days.  So in the mean time, I have my Iowa licenses with word "VOID" cut out in about 1% of the area of the license and a paper temporary driving permit.

Meal of the Week
Bacon Potato Soup

This meal took more preparation and preparation time than the last meal by far.  I had to peel and cut potatoes, wash and cut carrots and celery, and cook the bacon.  It was well worth it!  I am making soups now while it is still winter here.  However winter here is not as brutal as the Midwest.  It is more temperate and there has no accumulation of snow.  Actually it has only snowed once for about an hour.

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